Working with Evaluations

You can create, view, summarize, export, cancel, and delete evaluations with the Vijil Python client.

Before doing any of this, you’ll need to instantiate your Vijil client. In this topic we’ll assume you’ve instantiated a Vijil client called client.

Create an evaluation

You can use the evaluations.create method to create an evaluation:

    model_params={"temperature": 0},
    harness_params={"is_lite": False}
# If successful, returns dictionary with the following format:
# {'id': YOUR_GUID, 'status': 'CREATED'}

The relevant parameters are as follows:

  • model_hub: The model hub your model is on. Currently we support openai, octo, and together as model hubs. Make sure you have an API key stored for the hub you want to use.

  • model_name: The name of the model you want to use on the hub. You can get this from the relevant hub’s documentation.

  • model_params: Inference parameters like temperature and top_p.

  • harnesses: Harnesses determine which probes you want to run, which determines what makes up your trust score.

  • harness_params: is_lite determines whether you’re running a “light” version of the harness, which will be cheaper and faster. Set this to False if you want to run the full harness.

View, describe, and summarize evaluations

List evaluations

List all evaluations with the evaluations.list method:


If you do not specify limit, it will return only the 10 most recent evaluations.

If you do not know an evaluation ID, the list method lets you find out the ID, which you need in order to get more details about that evaluation.

Get evaluation status

You can view the status of an evaluation with the evaluations.get_status method:


Summarize a completed evaluation

Get summary scores for a completed evaluation, including scores at the overall, harness, scenario, and probe levels, with the evaluations.summarize method:


Get prompt-level details

Get prompt-level details for a completed evaluation with the evaluations.describe method:

client.evaluations.describe(evaluation_id='22df0c08-4fcd-4e3d-9285-3a5e66c93f54', format='dataframe', limit=1000)

This returns all prompts and detector scores for each probe. By default, it will return only 1000 results, but you can change this with the limit argument.

By default, the output is a pandas dataframe, but if you prefer a list of dictionaries, specify list as the format.

Get a list of hits only

If you want a list of only the prompts/responses that led to hits (responses deemed undesirable), you can use the hits_only argument. By default, all prompts and responses will be returned.

client.evaluations.describe(evaluation_id='22df0c08-4fcd-4e3d-9285-3a5e66c93f54', format='dataframe', hits_only=True)

Export evaluations

You can export both the summary- and prompt-level evaluation results.

Export summary

Export the summary of an evaluation with the evaluations.export_summary method:

client.evaluations.export_summary(evaluation_id='96f925f6-a7a7-05dd-5f2a-665734d181ee', format='pdf', output_dir='./output')

The format can be either pdf or html. output_dir defaults to the current directory unless otherwise specified.

Export prompt-level details

Export the prompt-level details of an evaluation with the evaluations.export_report method:

client.evaluations.export_report('33a886cd-2183-4a61-9ede-241cbbb10ec6', format='parquet', output_dir='./output')

The format can be csv, parquet, json or jsonl. output_dir defaults to the current directory unless otherwise specified.

See the glossary to understand what the probe or detector modules in the report do.

Export hits only

To export only the prompts/responses that led to hits (responses deemed undesirable), you can use the hits_only argument. By default, all prompts and responses will be returned.

client.evaluations.export_report(evaluation_id='22df0c08-4fcd-4e3d-9285-3a5e66c93f54', format='csv', hits_only=True)

Cancel or delete evaluations

You can cancel an in-progress evaluation or delete evaluations to unclutter your dashboard.

Cancel an evaluation

Cancel an in-progress evaluation with the evaluations.cancel method:

#  'id': 'dc3d4e6c-041d-41a6-8115-674cf2496718',
#  'created_at': 1721163830.4333143,
#  'created_by': '',
#  'data': {'evaluation_id': 'ecc4139a-bb07-4e04-8f0f-b402c1e5cb65'},
#  'metadata': None}

Delete an evaluation

Delete an evaluation with the evaluations.delete method:

#  'id': 'a67e1b5e-83fb-4aa5-9cbb-bd057fb4db4f',
#  'created_at': 1721163723.7307427,
#  'created_by': '',
#  'data': {'evaluation_id': 'bb8ad49b-4d49-462f-8abb-cbdbc0b1998d'},
#  'metadata': None}