
If you are building an agent on the DigitalOcean GenAI platform, Vijil Evaluate can help you evaluate it before going to production.

To set up an agent on DigitalOcean, follow the instructions here.

Store Credentials

Once you have an agent set up, follow the instructions here to fetch the credentials data-agent-id and data-chatbot-id to access that agent through an API, as well as the agent endpoint.

Now log into Vijil Evaluate, and navigate to Keys > Add new key. From the Model Hub dropdown, select DigitalOcean as your chosen hub, and add the above information in the respective fields.

DigitalOcean Hub Config | 60%

Give the API key configuration a name, save it, and you’re ready to go!

To add the credentials using the python client, you need to supply the fields inside the hub_config argument.

        "agent_id": "abc-xyz",
        "agent_key": "xyz-123"
    rate_limit_per_interval=60, # optional
    rate_limit_interval=60 # optional

Run an Evaluation

To run an evaluation from the UI, simply select DigitalOcean as the Model Hub, then paste the agent endpoint as the Model URL.

To run an evaluation using the Python client, use the following code pattern, with the agent API as model_url and a harness of your choice.

    model_params={"temperature": 0},