Custom Endpoints¶
If your agent is accessible using an OpenAI-style chat completion API that takes in a base URL and a model name, we can help you evaluate it.
To do so, first store the API key by going to Keys > Add new key in the Evaluate platform. From the Model Hub dropdown, select Custom as your chosen hub, and add your API key.
You can also add an API key using the python client.
Run an Evaluation¶
To run an evaluation from the UI, simply select Custom as the Model Hub, then paste your custom endpoint as the Model URL.
To run an evaluation using the Python client, use the following code pattern, with your custom endpoint as model_url
, model name as model_name
, and a harness of your choice.
model_params={"temperature": 0},
You may need to store multiple API keys that are tied to different custom agent endpoints. Given that, we have made api_key_name
an additional mandatory parameter to be supplied for evaluating custom endpoints.