# AWS Bedrock You can evaluate LLMs, accessed as RESTful APIs on Amazon Bedrock, using Vijil Evaluate. To do so, first set up a [Bedrock Access Gateway](https://github.com/aws-samples/bedrock-access-gateway). You can then [add an API key](../python-sdk/examples/api-keys.md#add-an-api-key) using the UI or the python client. ## Run an Evaluation To run an evaluation from the UI, simply select *Bedrock* as the Model Hub, then paste your custom endpoint as the *Model URL*, and select a *Model Name from the dropdown. To [run an evaluation using the Python client](../python-sdk/examples/evaluations.md), use the following code pattern, with your custom endpoint as `model_url`, model name as `model_name`, and a harness of your choice. ````{tab} Python ```python client.evaluations.create( model_hub="bedrock", model_url="https://your_model_url", model_name="anthropic.claude-v2", model_params={"temperature": 0}, harnesses=["hallucination"], ) ``` ````